Monday, December 5, 2016

Live! From Agile Testing Days 2016 - STWC - Day 0

December 5, 2016 dawned cold, a little foggy after very heavy fog day night before, and with a beautiful hoarfrost coating the trees. I had a very long travel day yesterday which resulted in me showing up nearly 2 hours late to the conference center and hotel, and quite tired. The result was I unpacked, took a shower, dropped off the materials I was asked to bring for the conference, had a glass of beer and went to bed... and overslept. BUT! I was down by shortly after 9:00 and had a nice breakfast with George Dinwiddie, with a lovely conversation related to some blogging that will happen on Tuesday.

After enough coffee to revive a corpse, I scurried over to where the Software Testing World Cup 2016 Finals was to take place this afternoon. I met with a load of people and interviewed some of the teams, judges and other participants for a video that is being prepared for this year's test contest. At lunch, I checked in with the conference organizers - and was given a present as a thank you! A pair of Vic Firth drumsticks with my name and the name of my blog on them! AWESOME! Thanks so much!
In the afternoon, the Testing World Cup launched into full blown progress, testing a beta version of a product currently in production in Germany. It looked to be an awesome app (frankly, I wonder when a version with similar functionality will be available in the US.) We checked in with each team a couple of times during the contest, chatted briefly on video and observed their approach to testing a piece of software none of them had seen before.

I also took a bunch of pictures and tweeted a lot! Here.

During all of this, my "partner in crime" was Claudia Badell (tweets at @claubs_uy). I met her at Agile Testing Days in 2014. The several hours we worked together convinced me she is a really solid tester, a very good thinker and a remarkably thoughtful and kind person.

After the end of the contest, we did some wrap-up interviews and conversations.We also grabbed a beverage (or two) chatted and relaxed. On leaving the contest room I ran into many more people - speakers getting ready to head out to the Speaker's Dinner. After handshakes & huhgs all around, I went up to my room to freshen up a bit, relax o moment, check email (work and personal.)

I then headed downstairs to grab a bite of supper, pick up the blog post I was too busy to work on beyond 2 sentences today, grab a quick beer and... head off to review test reports from today's testing contest.

Yeah. There were loads of other things happening. I'll get to them later. Now, I have papers to read and review.


Bug reports have been read and critiqued. Testing  reports have been read an critiqued. This was a challenging task, but, we have a winner in a very, very close contest.

More tomorrow.

It's late.  Good night!

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